

(Picture: Oregano Street) My area is bound in between the subdivisions of San Lorenzo and Robinsons Homes. What separates the two is a short cement bridge that towers over the sewers. One of the benefits of living in Antipolo, a mountain city, is the lower risk of floods. since the area is a slope, all the water from rain flows directly down. According to one of the guards in San Lorenzo, Edward Larioza, the bridge in between the two areas is often subject to certain disaster. Firstly, in the years prior, people have often fallen (unfatally) from the bridge or items have fallen and got swept away by the sewers. There are also instances wherein kids would dare each other to climb over the bridge to the ledge. Since then, the heads of the subdivisions have decided to put up a fence in order to prevent any injuries or malicious acts, however, the fence itself can easily be climbed. The two areas are also prone to thieves and burglars since it is a private subdivision and rules for

A Middle Class Student's View on Globalization.

Photo Source: The thing about globalization is that I want it to scare me, while simultaneously not wanting it to affect me in any way. I live in a comfortable middle-class lifestyle. With multinational corporations capitalistically invading my country affecting me in a way that I can afford it; as well as being pissed off by the fact that others cannot. I am in the in-between. I understand that globalization is a stoppable force that is currently resulting in the local businesses of the lower class to be in a state of jeopardy. While simultaneously finding myself dependent on the products of these corporations. So, being in the state that I am, I did the only thing that I have the power to do: research. Photo Source: What I found was this old book they had us read in a class. The book is called The Confessions of an Economic

Transitions and Pan's Labyrinth: a layer in the symbolism.

We often cope with certain events; those that are highly distressing or are outside of an individual’s comfort-zone. Television, movies, reading, poetry, porn (hey, I’m not judging). The point is we all have this escapism that keeps us going, as some people say. However, escapism goes deeper than that. In a lot of ways, escapism is a tight grasp to a fantasy that helps us understand reality on a level we are comfortable with.   (Photo by t1na on Deviantart) Pan’s Labyrinth is a movie written and directed by the fantasy genius that is Guillermo Del Toro. Set in Spain after the Civil war, Ofelia and her pregnant, biological mother Carmen move in with Carmen’s new husband Vidal. He currently resides in an outpost for the military in order to hunt-down the remaining rebels. Ofelia, discovers an ancient stone labyrinth.  (Picture source: There she meets a faun who believes her to be the reincarnation of   Princess Moanna from the underworld. In the

Passion in Products

When you go to bazaars, there are usually rules understood by all of the people involved.    It’s first come first serve when it comes to the actual good items. All of the items can be easily replicated but the seller will act as if it’s one of a kind. All of the items were probably the rejects from China or Japan. The prices are more than triple what they are actually worth The store clerks don’t really have an understanding of the value of the product. All they want is the sell.  However, during the Cultural Festival at our school, the vibes were different. The people there seemed to actually care about what they were selling. To be honest at first I thought it was a quick cash grab from the students of a rich school but once I bought a bow and stick (not arrow because that would be dangerous) for only fifty. The man that sold me seemed very adamant that I pick the good one. I went there with my friends and they were looking at these bead creations and I, being the chil


The thing about video games is that if the game itself is not good, well made and artistically done items such as weapons make up for the lack of good content. Iconic weapons such as the Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device (TM) or the different blades from Dark Souls become iconic symbols of these games and the fanbase its created. However, my friends told me that there was a bow and arrow at the Cultural Bazaar in front of our building and I freaked out. A bow and arrow! In school! I would not miss the opportunity to be like Wander from Shadow of the Colossus in school. What I got was a wooden bow and arrow. The arrow was made of some sort of caramel brown wood and the string was tighter than a guitar's. I always imagined bows and arrow were made of steel and have jiggly strings that feel like soft yarn on your skin. This one felt more real. It's as if I understood the practicality. These things were probably how they actually made them. Not in some movie or game.