
Showing posts from May, 2018

A Middle Class Student's View on Globalization.

Photo Source: The thing about globalization is that I want it to scare me, while simultaneously not wanting it to affect me in any way. I live in a comfortable middle-class lifestyle. With multinational corporations capitalistically invading my country affecting me in a way that I can afford it; as well as being pissed off by the fact that others cannot. I am in the in-between. I understand that globalization is a stoppable force that is currently resulting in the local businesses of the lower class to be in a state of jeopardy. While simultaneously finding myself dependent on the products of these corporations. So, being in the state that I am, I did the only thing that I have the power to do: research. Photo Source: What I found was this old book they had us read in a class. The book is called The Confessions of an Economic